Sunday 16 June 2013

Busy winter

No pictures this time, been too busy outside! The shelter belt has begun with manukas along the fence line; they are flimsy little things so I hope they survive the winter storms. They will soon be joined by some horopito and maybe some flax, I haven't decided yet. 
The native garden corner is also taking shape; kowhai, manuka, kanuka and ribbonwood are in with coprosma, old ferns and nz blueberries (the ones the cows didn't chew to nothing). 

On other matters, why are my kale seeds not sprouting?

Saturday 8 June 2013

Almost harvest

Yams and earth gems are taking their time so I have snuck a few for tonight's dinner. The lack of frosts here probably delay things but the parsley has been a great protector of them.